Sound Practices for the Preparation & Presentation of Effective Contracts
Presented By:
Todd Cordrey
American Dream Real Estate School / Thrive Real Estate Education
On-Demand Course
3.00 Real Estate Continuing Education Credit Hours (CO)
Price: $39.95

This 3 CE online course is all about contracts - an essential part of the transfer of real estate.  These forms aid in the development of a legally binding contract between the parties and express the terms, conditions, timeline and promises of the seller and the purchaser.  Should an issue or dispute ever arise between the parties to a contract, these forms and their content will be of the utmost importance in arbitration or in a court of law.  In this course, we will be referring to the contract between the buyer and the seller for the purchase of real property as a Purchase and Sale Agreement (PSA).

Course Details
Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Describe the elements of a valid contract.
  • Describe valid, void and voidable contracts.
  • Describe the statute of frauds and the importance in real estate.
  • Describe the elements of a purchase and sale agreement.
  • Describe the elements of a listing agreement.
  • Explain the different types of listing agreements.
  • Explain a conditional release of listing.
  • Describe a buyer's agreements.
  • Describe the importance of a legal description.
  • Describe when a contract is required for a lease option or a lease.
  • Describe an assignment.
  • Describe novation.
  • Know when it is appropriate to seek out the advice of your managing broker when writing a purchase and sale agreement.
  • Understand the importance of using standardized forms.
  • Know the rules on giving legal or tax advice.
  • Explain situations where it would be wise to have your client seek legal advice.
  • Define Subject To.
  • Define contingency and give examples.
  • Define and give examples of amendments/Addendums to a real estate contract.
  • Explain CLUE.
  • Explain how modifications are made to a contract.
  • Define a notification in real estate.
  • Explain various ways to present offers and counter offers.
Education Credits
Real Estate Continuing Education (Colorado) 
3.00 Real Estate Continuing Education Credit Hours
Price: $39.95

American Dream Real Estate School is an approved provider of real estate education. Having fully met the requirements of the Colorado Division of Real Estate, the following course approval has been granted. Course Approval: 107395
Contact Us
Education Provider

American Dream Real Estate School
1510 Navajo Street
Cortez, CO 81321-2552
Phone: 8442237326

Todd Cordrey
License Number:  I2189205,I17-0017,4484
Century 21 Golden West Realty
1299 Washington Avenue, Suite 120
Golden, CO 80401
Phone: 303.279.7979